
After the first year of blogging - what happened on my blog in 2014?

1st January 2015 | by Adam Beres-Deak | blog, new year, summary

I wish you all a happy new year and much fun and success for 2015! Let's have a quick review of the past 365 days.

In 2014 amongst other things I ...

  1. Loading webfonts with high performance on responsive websites
  2. Better webfont loading with using localStorage and providing WOFF2 support
  3. A simple usability trick for Google Maps
  4. Demystifying AngularJS' dependency injection
  5. Panning and scrolling background images using the canvas element
  6. Worth watching: Douglas Crockford speaking about the new good parts of JavaScript in 2014
  7. Building desktop apps with node.js and web technologies
  8. Finding a random document in MongoDB (with benchmarks)
  9. Loading web pages really fast - optimistic page loading with
  10. Automatically loading Grunt tasks with matchdep

What I learned from blogging in 2014?


Happy new year photo: Wikimedia Commons

by Adam Beres-Deak

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Latest blog posts

Displaying icons with custom elements 14th October 2015

Plain JavaScript event delegation 26th January 2015

Better webfont loading with using localStorage and providing WOFF2 support 18th December 2014

Worth watching: Douglas Crockford speaking about the new good parts of JavaScript in 2014 20th October 2014